Until now the Hervighaus Top 7 list has been kept relatively private, being shared with only a few friends in the know. Seeing as how Hervighaus has its own blog now, it seems only fitting to share the Top 7 with fellow enthusiasts.
For the uninitiated, the Top 7 list is a list of the 7 most desirable cars in existence, in the opinion of the list maker. You yourself can and should have a Top 7 list of your own. So should your brother, and his friends, and so forth. The vehicles on the list aren't ranked in order of desirability, indeed are not ranked at all. Additionally, it's quite common for vehicles to make it on the list one week, or month, only to be dropped in favor of something else soon after. And then possibly make it back on the list a few months down the road. The decision to limit the list to 7 vehicles was made for two reasons. Firstly, having a top 10 list is sooo cliche. Second and most importantly, the original creator of the Top 7 list has always had a 7 car garage in mind for his ideal home. Hence, 7 cars to fill the garage. Logical genius. If you're interested, there are several "Top" lists. Feel free to inquire about the others. Without further ado, then, the most up to date Hervighaus Top 7:
- Ruf RT12
- Koenigsegg CCX
- '08 Skyline GTR
- Ferrari F430 Scuderia
- Atom Ariel (Honda powered variant)
- Audi R8
- Alfa 8C
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